Caught in the Rain.

Lately me and J have been running at night time which has really been keeping me awake so yesterday we went to the gym in the morning and did weights and then when he went to work I went for my run.
As I was nearing the end (thankfully) it started to rain. No not just rain. Pour, One of those rains when the sky is blue one second and then it just opens up on you the next. I wish I had a picture of myself running through the rain but I was too busy sprinting home! I guess I should have reveled in the beauty of it all, but I was to busy getting soaked. So I made it 5.3 miles before I had to stop.
I came home, had dinner, listened to some music and choreographed/danced around in my living room by myself for awhile while I baked some muffins!


My mom told me that I couldn’t even think about getting a really cool decorative muffin pan {like this} until I had used my regular muffin pan at least three times! And you know what I said? Challenge accepted. I have made cupcakes, Nutella brownies and now these apple cinnamon muffins. Technically that is three; however, I will count the cupcakes and the brownies as one because I made them on the same night. It’s okay because I already have something planned for my third use! You will just have to wait and see…


Also, I think I should tell everyone about the amazing smoothie I made the other day. If you know me at all then you know when I say the other day I usually mean yesterday. I am not very good at keeping track of days. Or time. So this smoothie… I make them all the time and just kind of go with the flow and and they usually taste pretty good (except for the time I put celery in. Definitely never again). This smoothie however was AHmazing. So let me tell you what was in it.


I made the Best Tasting Smoothie ever!

1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 Kiwi (no skin)
1/2-3/4 scoop GNC Chocolate Caramel Protein powder(it’s my fave and Im pretty sure this makes it! But any protein powder will do.)
3-4 icecubes
1/2 cup water(I guessed this, because I’m not really sure.)
2 handfuls of Spinach (as much as you want)
1/2 tbs flax seeds

Now see I have one of these GNC blenders that make the smoothie right in the cup so this is the order I put it in and then it gets turned upside down. But if in a regular blender I would throw it in in the opposite order so that the flax and the spinach get smooshed into the blades and get shredded and crushed. I am pretty sure that this tasted peanut buttery even though there was no peanut butter. It was yum.
OK Byeee.