Dancing is Hard

Whenever my kids are complaining about a step or choreography I tell them “dancing is hard”.  If it were easy everyone would do it right?  Well, this week I have really felt the truth of that statement. I have been trying to get back into the dance world in a different way than I ever have been before.  Teaching master classes, taking classes that aren’t the usual or are not necessarily my style and auditioning for whatever comes up that I can make it to.  With all of these things the body mind can really take a beating. It’s hard to remember all of the good things and easy to get down on yourself. From not picking up choreography fast enough, to getting cut from an audition or always comparing yourself to others. I understand how people can decide to take an easy way out.  But you have to tell yourself you can do it because you love it and the passion for it is so strong.  I am just trying to keep positive and know that all of this is a learning experience and though it may not feel like it, it will make me so much better in the long run.

While it can be difficult, there are many fun and rewarding times also!

I get to teach sassy children fun combinations!


and have dance parties with 7 year olds!


I get to learn from people who are amazing at what they do and I am constantly growing as an artist and a person.  That’s what it’s all about.

You’re right, it does pretty much rock being a dancer..

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